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The aim of English as a subject is to develop and enhance the skills of reading; comprehension, writing, speaking and listening. English encompasses English Language and Literature. The importance of literacy within the school curriculum holds its foundations within the subject of English, which is then utilised in all other subjects.

We analyse the skills of written language through the reading of various class novels. This helps to refine reading abilities with further enhancement through comprehension activities and reading different types of texts. Reading a variety of genres also enables a better grasp of creative writing and widens the imagination.

Grammar of the English language is consolidated during a variety of fun and interactive activities. We acquire a range of complex vocabulary to benefit our writing tasks. Speaking and Listening skills are frequently monitored through the delivery of individual and group presentations. These take place within the class, with confidence enhanced through school assemblies.

Extra-curricular activities are regularly planned to ensure pupils are exercising their learning skills. Our teaching assistants facilitates the spelling club, where pupils take part in developing their skills. The school will take part in the Young Writers Competition.

We believe that mathematics is a vital tool in everyday living and is evident all around us. It is equally significant in decision making as well as in various employment sectors including finance and accounting. Additionally, it contributes to the school curriculum by developing pupils’ abilities to calculate, to reason, to solve problems and to handle data. As a vital core subject, much emphasis is put on the way it is educated. We follow the National Curriculum frameworks for KS3. For KS4, we follow the Edexcel GCSE Examination Board Mathematics specifications and students are streamed to ensure pupils reach their full potential.

We deliver extra-curricular enrichment prospects to enhance pupils’ enjoyment of mathematics through a number of competitions namely the “UK Maths Challenge.”

Our objective is to enable pupils to build a secure framework of mathematical reasoning, which they can use and apply with confidence in any sphere of their life.

With well-designed modern Science facilities, pupils are able to extend their learning. In Key Stage 3, pupils follow Exploring Science where they cover various units. In all three years, Science disciplines such as inheritance, chemical reactions and electricity are studied.

In Key Stage 4, high achieving pupils have the opportunity to gain a Triple Award in Science, leaving with three separate GCSE’s in Biology, Chemistry and Physics. Other pupils are entered into a Combined Award in Science, leaving with two GCSEs.

The school follows the National Curriculum for History and Religious Studies. At KS3 RS pupils explore other religions. Visiting other religious places is part of the scheme of work. At KS4 level, it is provided through a GCSE specification focusing on Islam.

At KS4 an option between ART and BUSINESS will be available depending upon the subject that is best for the pupil to pursue.

It is our intention to enable children to find, explore, analyse, exchange and present information. We also focus on developing the skills necessary for children to be able to use information in a discriminating and effective way. We want our pupils to know more, remember more and understand more in computing so that they leave secondary school with sufficient knowledge for them to apply in day to day tasks. Computing skills are a major factor in enabling children to be confident, creative and independent learners and it is our intention that children have every opportunity available to allow them to achieve this. We intend to build a computing curriculum that develops pupil’s learning and results in the acquisition of knowledge of the world around them that ensures all pupils can understand and apply the fundamental principles and concepts of computer science, including abstraction, logic, algorithms and data representation can analyse problems in computational terms, and have repeated practical experience of writing computer programs in order to solve such problems. We intend to build a computing curriculum that prepares pupils to live safely in an increasingly digital British society where pupils can evaluate and apply information technology, including new or unfamiliar technologies, analytically to solve problems.

Pupils at KS3 level are taught Art & Nasheeds (Music).

Art and Design (if there is a demand) is also taught in year 10 and 11

It is every child’s fundamental right to be given the opportunity to explore their natural creativity.

Our aim in art is to give as much opportunity for children to explore and use different materials, tools and techniques in an organised and purposeful manner. Art is not just about investigating and making, but is interdependent on building up a knowledge and understanding of other artists’ work; how this can influence and inspire our own artistic development and to develop designing and making skills.

Art can provide a range of activities to develop the children’s capability and confidence in their own ideas and to develop an ability to criticise constructively and evaluate their own products and those of others

In Art, pupils learn to work with different materials producing artwork in various mediums, including canvas, textiles and sculptures. Year 8 & 9 pupils have the chance to exhibit their best work.

In Nasheed lesson, pupils are taught the 99 names and explore different mediums of music. Pupils also have the opportunity to perform at the Annual Awards Presentation.

Pupils at Baytul Ilm Secondary School are required to participate in a variety of sporting activities. Pupils will develop the skills required to play the different types of sports and learn all the rules for these sports. The sports vary from Football, Rounder’s, Badminton and Circuit training. The school has an outdoor play area which can be used during break times & Lunch. P.E takes place in local Leisure facilities e.g. leisure centres, Sports hall, power league and other venues

At Baytul Ilm Secondary School, we aim to encourage a sense of social responsibility, community involvement and political understanding whilst at the same time teaching pupils about Life Skills. This GCSE subject provides pupils with the knowledge, skills and understanding to play an active role in public life. The School holds annual Youth Parliament elections. Citizenship encourages pupils to respect people’s differences, whilst also promoting shared values.

It is our intent for the Religious Education element of our school curriculum to engage, inspire, challenge and encourage pupils, equipping them with the knowledge and skills to answer challenging questions. Religious Education studies will enable our pupils to ask deep and searching questions about their own faiths and beliefs, and the beliefs, faiths and opinions of others regarding  contemporary moral issues.

Pupils will be able to deepen their understanding of God as encountered and taught by Christians, Muslims and Jews.  The teaching of RE makes links between the beliefs, practices and value systems of a range of faiths and world-views studied. The RE curriculum will help to develop responsibility and respect for all aspects of diversity, whether it be social, cultural and religious, and prepare pupils well for life in modern Britain

Religious studies curriculum at our school will develop the following skills and qualities within all our pupils:

  • Personal growth – developing compassion and empathy
  • Respect – showing tolerance of others beliefs, opinions and cultures.
  • Communicating effectively and listening to others
  • Morality – understanding right from wrong, accepting rules and boundaries.
  • Enhancing their spiritual, moral, social and cultural development.

Urdu is taught from Year 7 though to GCSE’s. With dedicated staff, our pupils excel and become fluent speakers of the language. Arabic will be offered to the students if there is enough demand and, under certain circumstance where the school feels that the pupil has the potential and he wishes to attain a good GCSE grade, the school facilitate will this, at a cost.

PSHCE (Personal, Social, Health & Citizenship Education)

PSHCE is delivered during form time and covers all aspects of a holistic education. This contributes to the overall wellbeing and success of our pupils. Form time topics work in conjunction with the current events calendar which highlights significant dates and events, which include cultural, religious and humanitarian dates and events.

The form time session aims to facilitate a delivery that is tailored to provide a more personalised learning experience, it is an opportunity to develop mutual relations between the form class. The distribution of pupils into smaller groups allows the platform for students to receive pastoral care, the chance to express themselves and develop themselves to become valuable Muslim citizens of the UK.

Tarbiyah (Personal Development) /SMSC

As part of their development, pupils are provided with weekly ‘tarbiyah’ sessions. These cover topics such as emotional and mental health wellbeing, Islamic values and manners, community issues and international affairs. Occasionally guest speakers from all backgrounds are invited to our lessons. Tarbiyah sessions are designed to consolidate learning and explore further the theme of the week introduced in PSHCE. The theme will link SMSC, British Values and Islamic teachings.


All pupils attend and participate in assemblies, which focus on character development, awareness of the world in which they live and knowledge needed for life and work

Form groups are given the opportunity of delivering assemblies, this increases self-confidence and public speaking skills. Assembly themes are linked around topics introduced in PSCHE and tarbiyah . They are designed to meet the needs of the pupil’s, especially, personal development and character building; including current affairs, anti-bullying, humanitarian and philanthropic initiatives.

With the highest level of modesty and morality in mind, RSE is taught as modules through PSHE, Tarbiyah, personal development, R.E and Science programme of study from Year 7 – 11. An Islamic perspective will form the basis of the content of such modules. This is a developmental programme of learning through which young people acquire the knowledge, understanding and skills they need to manage their lives now and in the future. The department aims to make a significant contribution to pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural (SMSC) development, their behaviour and safety and the school’s statutory responsibility to promote pupils’ wellbeing.

Life Skills equips pupils with the knowledge, understanding, skills and strategies required to live healthy, safe, productive, capable, responsible and balanced lives. It encourages them to be enterprising and supports them in making effective transitions, positive learning and career choices and in achieving economic wellbeing. An important component of Life Skills is providing opportunities for young people to reflect on and clarify their own values and attitudes and explore the complex and sometimes conflicting range of values and attitudes they encounter now and in the future.

Life Skills contributes to personal development by helping pupils to build their confidence, resilience and self-esteem, and to identify and manage risk, make informed choices and understand what influences their decisions. It enables them to recognise, accept and shape their identities, to understand and accommodate difference and change, to manage emotions and to communicate constructively in a variety of settings. Developing an understanding of themselves, empathy and the ability to work with others will help pupils to form and maintain good relationships, develop the essential skills for future employability and better enjoy and manage their lives.